Planning, Management and Implementation of a scientific experiment in an international research infrastructure

The PaGES project, coordinated by CERIC, gives high school students the opportunity to have the experience of an innovative educational context. By carrying out all the steps of a scientific experiment, students will acquire the basic tools for planning, management, execution, evaluation and dissemination of the results of a research project, and will learn the basic elements to develop their entrepreneurship.

Through the PaGES project, pupils from different scientific high schools of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy, have had the chance to gain the know-how and direct experience of an international research environment and have actively participated in the process of shaping a research idea into a factual experiment, through to the communication of its results and the presentation of the projects’ outcomes to the community to which they belong.

The project has been strengthening links among schools in the regional area and has been setting the basis for implementing similar actions in the future. In the 2025 edition, pupils will have direct experience of the scientific activity carried out in a research infrastructure, by joining experiments at the Italian and Austrian CERIC facilities at the synchrotron Elettra in Trieste. Scientists and professionals in the fields of project management and communication will have onsite lectures in the schools partner in the projects, to allow pupils increasing their knowledge about the wide variety of professional careers offered by a research infrastructure, while empowering them to make more conscious choices for their future.