Learn more about PhD opportunities offered by CERIC
CERIC funds PhD scholarships and doctoral programmes with several universities and institutions in Italy and around Europe.
Positions open, research topics:
The PhD funded by CERIC-ERIC is embedded into a collaborative project between Heinz Amenitsch TU-Graz, Stefan Freunberger, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria, and Christian Prehal, ETH Zürich.
We are searching for a PhD student interested in a combination of the theoretical and experimental work aimed towards pushing the frontiers in fundamental understanding of next-generation batteries.
Making electrochemical energy storage economically and ecologically sensible on a very large scale requires eliminating the critical elements in current Li-Ion batteries (Co, Ni, Mn). Oxygen and sulphur electrochemistry is in many respects ideal: highly abundant, cheap, light, minor energy input for production and recycling. All this comes with amongst the highest theoretical energy storage of all known options. They are best used in the cathodes (positive electrodes) of metal-O2 and metal-S batteries with, e.g., Li, Na, Mg, and Al anodes. The latter are the focus of this study.
Structural evolution and chemistry are intimately interlinked in these systems, but their fundamental understanding is critically missing. To this end, we will combine structurally and chemically sensitive methods: in situ small and wide angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS), in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), in situ RAMAN and UV Resonance Raman at the Inelastic UV Scattering Beamline (IUVS) at the synchrotron radiation facility at ELETTRA, Trieste, Italy.
The PhD requires secondment periods at the partner institutions ETH Zürich and Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria to prepare experiments (cell and precursor preparation, electrochemical characterization, etc.)
Required qualifications: Master- or Diploma degree in Physics, Chemistry, or Material Science
Additional desired criteria:
• background in physical and inorganic chemistry
• experience in X-ray techniques
• experience in scientific computing
• willingness to work in an international environment in Italy and Austria.
The PHD is associated with a temporary position for three years at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Graz University of Technology. The yearly salary is 33.414, 83 € (pre-tax) according to the rules of the FWF (based on an employment of 32 working hours per week working on the project.
Deadline: 1. March 2022 (The position is open until a suitable candidate is found).
Contact address: amenitsch@tugraz.at
Positions closed, research topics:
CERIC is funding a PhD scholarship at the Politecnico di Milano in the research field of Energy and nuclear science and technology year 2021/21 – 37th cycle.
Topic: Morphochemical and structural changes of battery electrodes and solid electrolytes
Admission requirements
Admission to the programmes will be based on the evaluation of the applicants’ academic curricula and academic qualifications, the applicants’ motivation letters and their report on the development of a possible PhD research project.
Applicants shall attach to their application:
- A certificate proving his/her knowledge of English, as specified in art. 2 of this call;
- A PDF report illustrating the development of a possible PhD research project minimum 4,000, maximum 8,000 characters, excluding bibliographies and pictures), prepared using the RTF form available in the procedure. If the aimed PhD programme includes research areas, applicants must attach a report for each – maximum two – research area for which they intend to compete. Please note that the research project illustrated in the report prepared for the competition is not necessarily the project that will be carried out during the PhD programme. If admitted, the research project that will in fact be carried out will be subsequently defined and approved by the Programme Faculty Board after the start of the PhD programme. The dissertation, complete with bibliographies and pictures must be contained in a single pdf file maximum size 3 MB;
- A curriculum vitæ in PDF format, using the template provided in RTF in the procedure. Applicants must supply the information requested in the CV template. In particular, the CV should include the list of the applicant’s publications and a recent photo of the candidate. Furthermore, it can also contain no more than two attached documents (for instance, a portfolio and a publication, or 2 publications) chosen among those that are deemed most significant to illustrate the applicant’s potential. The curriculum and its attachments, must be provided in a single file that shall not exceed 10 MB;
- PDF documents relating to all their University qualifications (awarded, or to be awarded), with the diploma in the original language, if available, the list of exams taken and the corresponding scores along with translations in Italian or English;
- A duly signed copy of their identification document; non-EU applicants must attach a copy of their passport, or of another identification document together with its translation in Italian or English;
- A copy of their Italian tax code. This request is mandatory for Italian applicants, while foreign applicants will be required to obtain and submit an Italian tax code to complete the enrolment.
Applications may be submitted online no later than 2pm (CET) on 21st May 2021
Before accessing the online procedure please read carefully:
- The call public announcement Public examination for admission to the PhD course at Politecnico di Milano (XXXVII cycle):
- The “Quickstart” manual for the online admission procedure;
- The FAQs (frequently asked questions).
Access the online admission procedure in ENGLISH here.
Access the online admission procedure in ITALIAN here.
References for more info
CERIC is funding a Doctoral Program at National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), in collaboration with the University of Ljubljana, in Materials Science for academic year 2020/21.
Topic: Unravelling the electrochemical mechanisms within and degradation of batteries by operando NMR and X-ray absorption spectroscopies
The doctoral student will be employed for at least four years. As part of the research work he/she will study the degradation of batteries by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The work will be carried out in collaboration with the group for modern battery systems led by dr. Robert Dominko.
Admission requirements
Master of physics or chemistry, who will meet the conditions for enrollment in doctoral studies at the University of Ljubljana or the University of Nova Gorica https://www.uni-lj.si/study/doctoral/.
Candidates must submit one application for each program exclusively via web (https://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/?lang=en) registering, completing the online form and uploading all requested documents.
Deadline: September 2020
References for more info: gregor.mali@ki.si
CERIC funds a Phd scholarship at the University of Roma Tre in the doctorate of Research in SMNSC (Material Science, Nanotechnology and Complex Systems) for the academic year 2020/21, provided that the Ministry renews the programme’s accreditation for the 36th cycle.
Topic: Hydration of bio-molecules by combined use of synchrotron-based UV Resonance Raman and Neutron Scattering experiments
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99, or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99, or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04, or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
Candidates must submit one application for each programme exclusively via web (link here). To register, complete the online form and upload all requested documents. Non-Italian citizens are required to upload their PASSPORT (no other ID will be accepted), by following the instructions in the form.
Deadline: Applications may be submitted no later than 2pm (CET) on 8th September 2020.
References for more info HERE.
CERIC is funding a Phd scholarship at Ca’ Foscari University of Venezia (University of Trieste (collaborating partner) for the PhD Programme academic year 2020/21, provided that the Ministry renews programme accreditation for the 36th cycle.
Topic: Interlayer magnetic coupling mediated by Dirac materials
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
Documents required
- Identification Document;
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- Self certificate of exams and marks received during Master’s Deegree, for whom graduated in a foreign University also Diploma Supplement is accepted;
Thesis abstract of Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento or equivalent foreign degree translated into Italian or English.
For non-mandatory documents please visit this webpage.
Deadline: Applications may be submitted online no later than 1pm (CET) on 17 July 2020 using the special on-line application procedure available HERE.
The University of Siena has announced a selection procedure for admission to the doctoral programme in environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies for the academic year 2020/21 (provided that the Ministry renews programme accreditation for the 36th cycle). CERIC-ERIC will fund a scholarship for one PhD.
Research topic: Hunting technologies during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in Central-Southern Italy. Chemical and morphological analyses on lithic and bone implements
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
All those holding the qualification required for admission to the doctoral programme by 31 October 2020 may apply.
Documents required
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum (duly signed at the bottom with the following declaration “Hereby I declare that what reported above corresponds to the truth, according to the Decree of President of the Italian Republic 445/2000”), indicating qualification obtained (or to be obtained by 31 October 2020) with the issuing institution and a list of publications;
- Research project (max. 3 pages, in English);
- Thesis abstract of Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento or equivalent foreign degree translated into Italian, English or French (max 1 page);
- English language certification, if any;
- Declaration to accept a study/research period of 3 months abroad;
- Declaration to accept the frequency of courses on European softs skill topics.
Deadline: 24 July 2020, 2pm (CET). Submissions are open via the special on-line application procedure available here.
CERIC funds a PhD scholarships in Physics 2020-2023 Cycle
Topics: Nanostructured materials for gas sensing: correlation between functional, electronic and 3D microstructural properties
Admission requirements and application
Before registration for the admission exam, the candidates are encouraged to contact a PhD supervisor (see the list in PhD SUPERVISORS), and to jointly establish a PhD theme related to the scientific interests of the latter The registration requirements, including the necessary documents and registration procedure, as well as information regarding the admission exam can be found in Metodology of admission exam at the Doctoral School of Physics – September 2020 and Types of linguistic certificates for admission. PhD candidates, which are non-EU citizens or recipients of grants of the Romanian State, should contact the International Relations Department/ External Relations Bureau of the University of Bucharest for registration to the admission exam at doctoral studies.
Deadline and exam: mid-September 2020
References for more info: http://doctorat.fizica.unibuc.ro/Doctorat/Main.php?Lang=En&Page=Admitere
CERIC funds a PhD scholarship in Physics 2020-2023 Cycle
Topics: From crystal structure to functionality: tailoring the strain-driven physical properties of materials
Admission requirements and application
Before registration for the admission exam, the candidates are encouraged to contact a PhD supervisor (see the list in PhD SUPERVISORS), and to jointly establish a PhD theme related to the scientific interests of the latter The registration requirements, including the necessary documents and registration procedure, as well as information regarding the admission exam can be found in Metodology of admission exam at the Doctoral School of Physics – September 2020 and Types of linguistic certificates for admission. PhD candidates, which are non-EU citizens or recipients of grants of the Romanian State, should contact the International Relations Department/ External Relations Bureau of the University of Bucharest for registration to the admission exam at doctoral studies.
Deadline and exam: mid-September 2020
References for more info: http://doctorat.fizica.unibuc.ro/Doctorat/Main.php?Lang=En&Page=Admitere
CERIC is funding a Phd scholarship at the University of Trieste for the PhD Programme academic year 2020/21, provided that the Ministry renews programme accreditation for the 36th cycle.
Topic: Imaging and characterization of tissue fibrosis
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
Documents required
- Identification Document
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- Self certificate of exams and marks received during Master’s Deegree, for whom graduated in a foreign University also Diploma Supplement is accepted;
Thesis abstract of Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento or equivalent foreign degree translated into Italian or English.
For non-mandatory documents please visit this webpage.
Deadline: Applications may be submitted online no later than 1pm (CET) on 17 July 2020 using the special on-line application procedure available HERE.
- References for more info HERE
CERIC is funding a Phd at the University of Trieste for the PhD Programme academic year 2020/21, provided that the Ministry renews programme accreditation for the 36th cycle.
Topic: Effects of particulate and endocrine-disrupting metals on fertility
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
Documents required
- Identification Document
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- Self certificate of exams and marks received during Master’s Deegree, for whom graduated in a foreign University also Diploma Supplement is accepted;
- Thesis abstract of Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento or equivalent foreign degree translated into Italian or English.For non-mandatory documents please visit this webpage.
Deadline: Applications may be submitted online no later than 1pm (CET) on 17 July 2020 using the special on-line application procedure available HERE.
CERIC is funding a Phd scholarship at University of Trieste for the PhD Programme academic year 2020/21, provided that the Ministry renews programme accreditation for the 36th cycle.
Topic: Mechanisms of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs)internalization by cells
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
Documents required
- Identification Document;
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- Self certificate of exams and marks received during Master’s Deegree, for whom graduated in a foreign University also Diploma Supplement is accepted;
- Thesis abstract of Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento or equivalent foreign degree translated into Italian or English.For non-mandatory documents please visit this webpage.
Deadline: Applications may be submitted online no later than 1pm (CET) on 17 July 2020 using the special on-line application procedure available HERE.
CERIC is funding a Phd scholarship at University of Trieste for the PhD Programme academic year 2020/21, provided that the Ministry renews programme accreditation for the 36th cycle.
Topic: Analysis of the changes induced by asbestos fibers on the structure of absorbed proteins and lung tissue architecture
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
Documents required
- Identification Document;
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- Self certificate of exams and marks received during Master’s Deegree, for whom graduated in a foreign University also Diploma Supplement is accepted;
- Thesis abstract of Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento or equivalent foreign degree translated into Italian or English.
For non-mandatory documents please visit this webpage.
Applications may be submitted online no later than 1pm (CET) on 17 July 2020 using the special on-line application procedure available HERE.
CERIC is funding a Phd scholarship at the University of Trieste for the PhD Programme academic year 2020/21, provided that the Ministry renews programme accreditation for the 36th cycle.
Topic: Integrated structural analysis of human USPs: a novel
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
Documents required
- Identification Document;
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- Self certificate of exams and marks received during Master’s Deegree, for whom graduated in a foreign University also Diploma Supplement is accepted;
- Thesis abstract of Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento or equivalent foreign degree translated into Italian or English.For non-mandatory documents please visit this webpage.
Deadline: Applications may be submitted online no later than 1pm (CET) on 17 July 2020 using the special on-line application procedure available HERE.
CERIC is funding a Phd scholarship at the University of Trieste for the PhD Programme academic year 2020/21, provided that the Ministry renews programme accreditation for the 36th cycle.
Topic: Structural and functional analysis of helicases involved in genome maintenance
Admission requirements
All those holding the following academic qualifications, without age or nationality restrictions, may apply for admission to the doctoral programme: Diploma di Laurea awarded prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Specialistica awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Laurea Magistrale awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad.
Documents required
- Identification Document;
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum;
- Self certificate of exams and marks received during Master’s Deegree, for whom graduated in a foreign University also Diploma Supplement is accepted;
- Thesis abstract of Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/Vecchio ordinamento or equivalent foreign degree translated into Italian or English.For non-mandatory documents please visit this webpage.
Deadline: Applications may be submitted online no later than 1pm (CET) on 17 July 2020 using the special on-line application procedure available HERE.
We are looking for a PhD student interested in a combination of microfluidic continuous flow synthesis
of metal-organic frameworks and cutting-edge characterization methods.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and, in particular, MOF-based biocomposites have demonstrated
unprecedented properties suitable for applications in protection and delivery of biopharmaceuticals,
biosensing, biocatalysis, and cell and virus manipulations.
The goal of this project is: 1) to create a versatile platform for the development of bio-composites based
on the encapsulation of biomacomolecules into ZIF-based materials.; 2) to achieve a precise control of
their physicochemical and functional properties.
Besides the instruments available at the TUG, the characterization techniques will include situ small
angle X-ray scattering at Elettra-Sincrotrone, Trieste, NMR spectroscopy at National Institute of
Chemistry, Ljubiliana and Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATRFTIR), performed at the Chemical and Life Sciences branch of the SISSI beamline at Elettra-Sincrotrone
Required qualifications: Master- or Diploma degree in Physics, Chemistry or Material Science
Additional criteria:
• background in chemical synthesis
• experience in X-ray techniques
• experience in scientific computing
• willingness to work in an international environment in Italy and Austria.
The PHD is associated with a temporary position for three years at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry,
Graz University of Technology. The yearly salary is 33.414, 83 € (pre-tax) according to the rules of the
FWF (based on an employment of 32 working hours per week working on the project).
Desired starting date: 1. March 2022 (The position will be open until an appropriate candidate is found).
Contact address: heinz.amenitsch@tugraz.at
22nd CERIC Call for Proposals now OPEN
CERIC Newsletter | 2024 Special Edition