CERIC research on energy at ESOF2024
|Last week CERIC participated with a talk to the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2024 that has been held in the city of Katowice (Poland). The event, designed to offer the scientific community a platform for interdisciplinary and intersectional debate about scientific culture, scientific research, and innovation, was organised into six thematic areas, which reflect the commitment of the scientific community to address some major societal challenges: energy transition, sustainable environment, cultural identity and societal transformation, changes within scientific excellence, healthy society and digital transformation.
The talk (that had as speakers Giuliana Aquilanti from Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and Alexey Maximenko from SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre, and has been moderated by Marcello Turconi, CERIC science communication officer) focused on the studies performed about energy in the framework of the Consortium open offer.
After an explanation related to the basic physics scientists discussed about advanced analytical techniques, such as X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), and their application in some of the CERIC Partner facilities, such as the Italian and the Polish one, in the material characterisation and testing of novel, more efficient batteries.