ESBY Project

Electron microscopy for Structural BiologY



Project Coordinator: Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
Project Beneficiaries: Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, CNR-IOM 
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Project Summary

The project titled “Pathogen Readiness Platform for CERIC-ERIC Upgrade” (PRP@CERIC), recently funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)-Mission 4, will establish at Trieste a cryo-EM facility. The facility of PRP@CERIC will be set by CNR-IOM and it will be a new instrument part of the scientific offer of CERIC-IPF and open to CERIC-ERIC users.

The facility, that will be installed at the IPF premises and co-managed and maintained by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and IOM-CNR, will be equipped with a state-of-the-art cryo-EM station, for sample preparation and analysis. The “Electron microscopy for Structural Biology at CERIC-ERIC” (ESBY) project aims to optimize this facility beyond PRP@CERIC with one of the first Italian Cryo-CLEM station for both structural biology and cellular-tissue biology, and better equipping the cryo-EM laboratory for optimal sample preparation and storage.  

Total budget for the implementation of the action: EUR 696.976,53


Start Date: 29 August 2023
End Date: 25 March 2024