OPV Stability Project: Kick-off Meeting

08.04.2024 - 11.07.2024

The OPV Stability kick-off meeting took place in Erlangen (Germany) from April 8th to 11th. Partners, supervisors, and PhD students all came together for an exciting discussion about the project’s future steps and to kick-start the first training session. On behalf of CERIC, Dr Heinz Amenitsch, a supervisory board member for the Project, was present.

Organic photovoltaics (OPV) are a promising technology for emission-free electricity production. However, their lifetime must be extended to ensure a large commercial impact. In the OPV Stability project, ten young and talented PhD students are gearing up to tackle this challenge and pinpoint stable motifs, materials, and architectures. The gathering in Erlangen is the initial stride in this important journey.

Curious about how it went? Check out the dedicated news on the project’s website!