
CERIC, as a distributed facility, acts as a focal point for European industry promoting technology transfer and science-driven innovation, connecting and integrating into a unique facility the know-how and technical expertise of the Partner Facilities of the Consortium, which have an exceptional body of skills and experience of interaction with industry.

Collaboration with industry is supported through several different mechanisms (e.g. joint developments, pre-qualification through prototyping, licensing, spin-off creation etc.), within a common strategy and policy for intellectual property and know-how protection and exploitation.

CERIC, as an integrated Industrial Liaison & Technology Transfer (IL&TT) facility fosters the transfer of technologies developed within CERIC and partner activities to outside industries and/or institutions, and it supports them in finding and preparing the most suitable tailored package for R&D activities addressing their specific needs.

CERIC provides analytical laboratories and expert advice for industrial research & development (R&D) activities, offering multiple instruments and characterization techniques, and leading-edge analytical measurement skills. The available tools and technologies allow the analysis and synthesis of materials, and an understanding of their behavior at the micro and nano-scale.

Industrial and commercial services include:

  • Access to multi-technique facilities
  • Longer-term agreements
  • Direct transfer of technology and training of staff
  • Co-development of new products
  • High-tech procurement
  • Pre-qualification through prototyping
  • Spin-offs and start-ups creation

These services support proprietary R&D in various industrial areas, such as health, food, energy, high-tech materials, environment and more.

Both standard and cutting-edge techniques are available, with the support of expert scientists and technicians. Confidentiality is guaranteed through specific agreements guaranteeing the customer ownership of the results.

Confidential or non-peer reviewed access is accepted on a cost basis. The fees charged cover the full costs incurred by the Partner Facilities and CERIC for the specific services required.

Contact CERIC IL&TT Office for more information to find the solution most suitable to your needs.