600 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (Aska)

Slovenian NMR Centre in Ljubljana

Technical specifications



14.1 Tesla 54 mm bore ASCEND superconducting magnet


Five channel console (two high band 1H and 19F channels and three broad band channels, 6-365 MHz)
High performance Bruker Orthogonal Shim System (BOSS-III), 36 shim gradients
System for automatic matching and tuning on all channels
10 A gradient module
Advanced Bruker Smart Variable Temperature (BSVT) control unit


5 mm 1H-optimized quadruple resonance cryo probe designed for 1H observation with 31P/13C/15N decoupling, and high sensitivity for 13C observation with 1H decoupling (VT range: -40° to +80°C)
5 mm 1H-optimized quadruple resonance probe designed for 1H observation with 31P/13C/15N decoupling (VT range: -150 °C to 150°C)


HP Z4 G4 Workstation, Intel Xeon W-2135 CPU, 32 GB ram, Samsung Evo850 250GB SSD + Toshiba 2TB hard drive, Quadro P2000 graphic card, HP z24nG2 24″ LCD monitor


Windows 10


Bruker Topspin 4.0.7

Contact: Janez Plavec
Tel:+386 147 60 353

Detailed information can be found on the Instrument’s webpage.