800 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (David)
Slovenian NMR Centre in Ljubljana
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy is a research technique that exploits atomic nuclei with non-zero magnetic moments to act as tiny probes for the detection of the local structure, dynamics, reaction state and chemical environment within molecules. NMR spectra are unique, well-resolved, analytically tractable and often highly predictable for small molecules. NMR analysis is therefore used for confirming the identity of a substance. Different functional groups are easily distinguishable and identical functional groups with differing neighbours still give distinguishable signals. NMR is also a valuable tool for studying local structure and dynamics in a variety of solid systems. Objects of such solid-state NMR studies in materials science are inorganic/organic aggregates in crystalline and amorphous states, composite materials, heterogeneous systems including liquid or gas components, suspensions and molecular aggregates with dimensions on the nanoscale.
Contact: Janez Plavez
Tel: +386 147 60 353
Technical specifications Agilent Technologies VNMRS 800 MHz
Magnet: | 18.8 Tesla 54 mm bore Oxford Superconducting Magnet, 2.2 K |
System: | Red Hat 6.1 |
Software: | VNMRJ rev. 3.2A |
Probe 1: | 5mm HCN Cold Probe Gen2 (from 0oC to +50oC) |
Probe 2: | 5mm 15N-31P{1H-19F} PFG Dual Broadband Probe (from -20oC to +80oC) |
Probe 3 | 5mm 1H{13C/15N} PFG Triple Probe (from -20oC to +80oC) |
Sample environment
Detailed information can be found on the Instrument’s webpage.
X-ray computed tomography (CT) TomoLab
THz beamline TeraFERMI