Holographic Transmission Electron Microscopy (HoloTEM)
University of Salento
JEOL® JEM-ARM200F NEOARM Transmission Electron Microscope 200 kV with Cold-FEG source and aberration correctors
The JEOL JEM-ARM200F NEOARM is a next generation transmission electron microscope fine-tuned for the atomic resolution study of organic and inorganic materials sensitive to radiation damage. The presence of a cold cathode field emitting electron gun (C-FEG), having high brilliance and spatial coherence, combined with a dual CETCOR/ASCOR spherical aberration corrector, allows to obtain images with very high resolution and quality within a range of acceleration values between 30 kV and 200 kV.
The JEOL JEM ARM200F NEOARM is also equipped with an electron biprism with a platinum filament that permits to obtain images of organic macromolecules (single proteins, protein complexes, etc.) by using electron holography.
Moreover, the instrument is equipped with a series of JEOL detectors (JEOL-EDS SDD), Gatan® devices (GIF CONTINUUM ER, RIO16 CAMERA, K3 IS CAMERA), and different types of sample holders that enable:
- Morphological analysis in HR-TEM and STEM/HAADF modes: 72 pm resolution
- Structural Analysis: Selected area electron diffraction, SAED (1 μm), Electron diffraction (area <100 nm)
- Elemental compositional analysis: EDX (energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), EELS (electron energy-loss spectroscopy), Compositional mapping for both EDX and EELS
- Electron holography of magnetic materials
- 3D tomography
The cryo mode is available for the techniques listed above.
- Accelerating voltage from 30 to 200kV
- High brightness C-FEG with Flash &Go technology
- Dual CETCOR/ASCOR corrector, of spherical aberration up to the 5th order
- Resolution 72pm
- EDS detector with SDD technology
- Gatan® Imaging Filter (GIF) type “Continuum ER,” with CMOS detector, 2048 x
2048 pixels - Gatan® Rio16 digital CMOS camera, 16 MP (4,096 x 4,096)
- Gatan® K3 IS basic digital camera, 14.2 MP (3,456 x 4,092
- Resolution1: STEM HAADF image 70pm (200kV), 100 pm (80kV), 160 pm (30 kV)
TEM information limit 100 pm (200kV), 110 pm (80 kV), 250 pm (30 kV) - Electron gun: Cold field emission gun (Cold FEG): standard
- Aberration corrector: STEM: NEO ASCOR HOAC2, TEM: CETCOR with DSS3
- Corrector auto tuning system: NEO JEOL COSMO Auto tuning system Ad-hoc tune (SIAM) built-in
- Accelerating voltage: 30 to 200 kV (30, 80, 200 kV: standard, 60, 120 kV: optional)
- Magnetic field free mode: Lorentz lens settings (x50 to 80 k on screen): standard
- Specimen movement system: X, Y and Z super-fine mechanical drive, ultra-fine piezo device drives: standard
- Operation type: RDS 4 operation
1 UHR /UHR with STEM/TEM Cs corrector configured
2 HOAC (Higher order aberration corrector)
3 DSS (DeScan system)
4 (Room divided style)
Lucio Calcagnile (tel:+39 0832 29 7409 | +39 0832 29 5051)
Rosaria Rinaldi (tel:+39 0832 29 8105 | +39 0832 29 8106)
Daniela Erminia Manno (tel:+39 0832 29 7033 | +39 0832 29 7069)
Gianluca Quarta (tel:+39 0832 29 5054)
Massimo Catalano (tel:+39 0832 29 8110)
X-ray computed tomography (CT) TomoLab
THz beamline TeraFERMI