THz beamline TeraFERMI
FERMI Free-Electron-Laser (FEL) in Trieste
TeraFERMI is the THz beamline at the FERMI Free-Electron-Laser (FEL), combining both accelerator based and table-top sources to provide a large suite of THz based experimental techniques. TeraFERMI Offline allows performing linear THz spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging, from millimeter to nanometer scale. TeraFERMI Online employs relativistic electrons to produce sub-ps, single-cycle, broadband THz pulses to be used as a pump beam for nonlinear studies and THz control of matter.
Contact: Andrea Perucchi (
Tel: +39 040 375 8728 (office) | +39 040 375 8971 (beamline)
Technical specifications
TeraFERMI Offline is equipped with
- A Batop THz-TDS spectrometer based on a Menlo C-Fiber 780 laser system operating at 80 MHz coupled with photoconductiva antennas PCA-40-05-10-800-h and bPCA-100-05-10-800-h from Batop optoelectronics
- TeraSmart is a THz-TDS spectrometer combining the ELMO fiber-based femtosecond laser source at 100 MHz with broadband THz antennas
- A Tera Image far-field imaging system, coupled to the TeraSmart instrument
- An Attocube THz-neaSCOPE nanoscope, for nanoscale broadband THz hyperspectral imaging, based on photoconductive antennas
TeraFERMI Online exploits the phenomenon of Coherent Transition Radiation, to operate with THz pulses reaching up to 50 microJoule at sample position, with electric fields exceeding 5 MV/cm, and a spectral span from 0.3 to 5 THz. The experimental station presently allows performing experiments exploiting 4 different home-built set-ups:
- THz fluence dependent spectroscopy
- THz-pump/NIR-probe (780 or 1560 nm)
- THz-pump/THz-probe
- THz irradiation
Detailed information can be found on the beamline’s main homepage.
X-ray computed tomography (CT) TomoLab
ATHOS Triple-Axis Spectrometer