X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy beamline in Tender energy Range and Above (ASTRA)
The Absorption Spectroscopy beamline in Tender energy Range and Above (ASTRA, former SOLABS) is a bending magnet beamline dedicated to X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy in the energy range from 1 keV to 15 keV. The beamline was especially designed for XAFS measurements in the tender X-ray range, i.e., at the K absorption edges of important elements such as P, S, Si, Al and Mg. Besides, the energy range also includes K-edges of heavier elements up to Se, L-edges of elements up to Bi and some M-edges of elements including U, which allows investigation of a variety of highly relevant materials. Due to its straightforward concept without lenses or mirrors, ASTRA can be quickly aligned and easily operated. At the beamline X-ray spectroscopic experiments in different measurement modes and with various sample environments are possible. XAFS spectroscopy is a non-destructive, element-specific characterization method that can be applied to both crystalline and amorphous materials, liquids and samples in the gas phase.
Alexey Maximenko
Tel: +48 12 664 4109 (office) | +48 506 006 072 (mobile) | +48 12 664 4083 (Beamline)
Technical Specifications and Sample Environment
The spectra can be recorded in transmission, fluorescence and electron yield measurement modes. The measurements can be performed under vacuum conditions and in the presence of the selected gases (He, Ar, O2, N2, CO2) at a pressure equal or lower than atmospheric pressure.
Detailed information about the ASTRA beamline and the features of its end station can be found on the beamline’s home page.
The ASTRA beamline is still under commissioning, which may influence overall beamline performance. At this point we can not guarantee the functionality of all features of the end station and all beam parameters which may differ from the theoretical values during the experiments.
X-ray computed tomography (CT) TomoLab
THz beamline TeraFERMI