PaGES 4 closes its training programme with public events led by the school pupils involved in the project

April 2019, Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italy April 17, 2019

From the 28th of March to the first half of April, the pupils from all the secondary schools partners in the PaGES 4 project (Einstein in Cervignano del Friuli, Duca degli Abruzzi in Gorizia, Copernico in Udine, Galilei and Oberdan in Trieste, Buonarroti in Monfalcone, and Magrini in Gemona), gave a public presentation about the project and the scientific experiments they have carried out at the CERIC Italian partner facility Elettra, in Trieste.

A public event in each school has been organized, for a total of seven events.
The 146 young participants benefited from the training programme scheduled in the first three months of the year 2019 in fields spanning project management, technology transfer, physics, chemistry, and corporate and science communication. In occasion of the events organized in each school, they had the opportunity to perform their public speaking skills, both in the English and the Italian language, and to share the acquired knowledge with a wide audience composed of their schoolmates and parents, researchers and representatives from the industry and the local authorities, the school management staff and the wider public.

The success of the project and its training programme has been highlighted in the variety of presentations, leaflets, brochures and videos produced by the school pupils, who widely used their creativity to engage their audience, acquainting it with the interactive experience they have had in a European research infrastructure such as CERIC-ERIC.