
CONTACT Workshop. CERIC-CEI Training in advanced material characterisation in Large Scale Research Infrastructures

CERIC Headquarters, Trieste – Italy, 26-27 June 2017

The Central-European Research Infrastructure Consortium – CERIC-ERIC, and the Central European Initiative – CEI are glad to invite you to the CONTACT workshop, taking place at the CERIC headquarters in Trieste, on 26-27 June, 2017

Who should attend?

The CONTACT workshop is open to researchers at any career stage, working in fields requiring advanced materials characterization and having none or limited experience in the use of large-scale research infrastructures.

Activity and scope

Through interactive sessions held by internationally known scientists, including both theoretical lectures and practical tutorials on synchrotron beamlines, you will get acquainted with the scientific opportunities offered by CERIC. In addition, you will acquire all necessary knowledge to access state-of-the-art techniques for the analysis and synthesis of materials and biomaterials in large-scale facilities.


Registration is free of charge and will be open until May 31st. Since limited places are available, we encourage you to register at your earliest convenience through the online registration form.

A limited number of grants, covering the full costs of travel and accommodation, will be available for participants from the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine.


CERIC Headquarters, S.S. 14, km 163,5 in AREA Science Park, 34149 – Basovizza (Trieste) – Italy

Accomodation suggestions

Find a list of suggested hotels at this link.

The workshop will be held in English

Download the flyer here

The CONTACT workshop is organized in the framework of the CONTACT project – co-funded by the Central European Initiative – and of the ACCELERATE project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 731112